Shyne Through
Are you tired of feeling held back by shyness and social anxiety? Shyne Through offers top-notch therapy services in Sittingbourne, Kent, UK, to help you overcome these obstacles and live your life to the fullest. I provide both online and in-person sessions that will empower you to step out from the background and shine. Don't let shyness and anxiety control your life any longer - take charge and reach out to Shyne Through today!
"The tools that I learnt with Carrie have been life changing"

(MBACP Accred)
Diploma in Counselling
Diploma in Supervision
Do you feel anxious at the thought of or being in the company of others?
Do you feel life is passing you by?
Do you struggle to be heard and feel overlooked?
Do you find yourself saying no to things you'd really like to say yes to?
Do you feel your shyness is holding you back?
Do you want to free yourself from the invisible cage of shyness?
Yes? Then you’re in the right place!
Imagine a world….
...where you feel confident engaging with others
...where you say yes to opportunities you have shied away from before
...where you feel recognised, heard, and valued
...where you thrive and feel fulfilled
...where you no longer equate success with being loud and outgoing
...where you achieve your goals and desires
...where you have learned how to overcome shyness and social anxiety and live the life you want to
‘Yeah right’ I hear you say and a few years ago I would have said the same. I'm speaking to you as a shy person and for years my shyness held a vice like grip on me but I’m living proof that it needn’t be a life sentence - I have learned how to overcome shyness. Sure, my shyness still shows up from time to time and that’s ok, it’s part of who I am but it no longer holds me hostage.
For years it seemed that I was the only one who was shy and everyone else was cruising through life but you’ve only got to search the internet for quotes on Shyness to see that’s far from the truth. In fact according to YouGov, more than half of us in the UK are shy.
Being shy is a personality trait, not a disorder. It doesn’t mean we’re broken or need to change who we are, far from it. Society needs a broad spectrum of personalities to function well and us quieter ones have an important role in that, bringing our particular skills and qualities to the mix.
If you’re content with being shy, how it's shaped your life and you don’t want things to change, that’s great, I’m not here to tell you things should be any different. But if you’re saying no to opportunities and activities when you’d really like to say yes, if you feel overlooked, if you’re hiding in the background, if you feel being shy is holding you back and you'd like to learn how to overcome shyness, then I’m here to help you.
“Our research reveals that the majority (57%) describe themselves as shy. Bashfulness is more prevalent among the younger population, with six in ten (66%) describing their character as ‘very’ (17%) or ‘somewhat’ (49%) shy. By comparison, among those aged 55+, just under half (48%) say they are shy”
I can help you ...
Understand how your safety seeking behaviours keep you stuck
Identify and challenge your limiting self-beliefs
Realise and capitalise on your strengths and qualities
Build your resilience so you feel braver and stronger
So you CAN
Visualise your success, set goals and achieve them
Find your voice and share your views
Get the recognition you deserve
Feel confident socialising and meeting new people
Say “YES!” to things that once seemed terrifying.
Go for opportunities, such as new jobs & promotions, applying for University/College courses, join new clubs, travel...
Things changed for me and they can for you too but learning how to overcome shyness and social anxiety takes action so if it’s the only thing you do today, drop me a line and start your journey to transforming your life in the shadows.
Face to Face Counselling
Being shy doesn't mean there is something wrong with us but it can make life difficult. Work with me, someone who truly understands the challenges that being shy can bring. It really is possible to free yourself from the shackles of shyness and transform your life. Don't let shyness be your captor any longer, begin the process to overcome shyness today simply by pressing the contact button below.
Online Counselling
Being shy can be really hard. Just the thought of meeting someone brings feelings of anxiety - hooray for modern technology! If meeting in person feels just a step too far no problem, you can learn to overcome shyness from the safety of your own familiar surroundings. We can work together using video calling, instant text messaging or email, whichever feels most appropriate for you.

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